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来自长期内核贡献者 James Bottomley 对本次事件的回复
Linux 项目以合规为由移除了多名俄籍维护者

2024-10-22 22:41 by 智者之惧

Linux 6.12-rc4 内核合并了一个补丁,从 MAINTAINERS 文件中删除了部分条目。该补丁由稳定版内核维护者 Greg Kroah-Hartman 发送到 邮件列表,他解释是各种合规要求,被删除的维护者未来在提供了足够的文件之后可以回归。受影响的都是俄籍维护者,多数使用了 .ru 邮件域名,其中包括了 Acer Aspire 1 EC 驱动、Cirrus Logic CLPS711X ARM 架构、Baikal-T1 PVT 硬件监视器驱动、Libata PATA 驱动、libata SATA AHCI Synopsys DWC 控制器驱动、ASCOT2E 媒体驱动、MIPS Baikal-T1 平台驱动、NTB IDT 驱动、PPTP 驱动、Renesas R-Car SATA 驱动、Renesas Super-H 以太网驱动和 UFS 文件系统的维护者。Greg Kroah-Hartman 没有给出相关的合规政策。

Which kernel is the most readable one?

Today, I realized that I don’t understand how the write syscall works. While I have a good grasp on the OS-Application interface, I have a very fuzzy understanding of OS-hardware interface.What would be the best way to learn that?My first idea is to open the Linux kernel and read that, but Linux does so many things that it might be hard to identify the fraction of the code I am really interested in. Are there better kernels for learning purposes?

via by matklad
建仓:git init
加仓:git add & git commit
平仓:rm -rf
爆仓:The following files are over 100MB. If you commit these files, you will no longer be able to push this repository to
HTP 笑传:扔掉 UDP,试试并不特殊的低精度时间同步
从京东和购物网站出发,本文章真正的主题在于对互联网至今仍有的低成本拿时间的 API 进行一个抛砖引玉。

#Blog 替代标题:如何使用 VIVO商城 进行毫秒级低精度时间同步
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