Personal channel of @lancern

Topics: programming, hacking, memes, life, and more. Forward anything as you wish.

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大脑:bootlin, bootlin, bootlin
"There is one who could unite them, one who could reclaim the throne of Gondor." (Gandalf)

This is a joint work with @lancern to provide:

1. A MLIR-based GCCJIT frontend, such that user can use stable IR representation to manipulate GCCJIT
2. A GCCJIT-based MLIR backend, such that MLIR dialects can be compiled with GCC optimization and special targets
3. A new approach to do line-by-line debug of MLIR (WIP)

We made our first release today, covering almost all the features of GCCJIT as in GCC14. It is in an experimental stage without solid type checking and verification, but we will continue working on it!

Take a look and have fun! GitHub - Lancern/mlir-gccjit: MLIR dialect for libgccjit
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