Personal channel of @lancern

Topics: programming, hacking, memes, life, and more. Forward anything as you wish.

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上一次打开 godbolt 的 CFG 视图还是几年前,当时的节点布局非常混乱,现在的 CFG 视图明显更加专业了。
Efficient Memory Management for Large Language Model Serving with PagedAttention
Transcoding Unicode strings at crazy speeds with AVX-512

via Daniel Lemire's blog
The power of prolog

A modern book on prolog Comments

via (Student)
去北京 -> 北京下大雨,上海晴
回上海 -> 上海下大雨,北京晴

Programming Languages: Build, Prove, and Compare

Fashions in programming languages change continually. But the best way to stay up to date is not to study the latest fashion; it’s to master the timeless ideas that underlie all languages, even the most complicated.

This is the web site for Programming Languages: Build, Prove, and Compare: a text that distills timeless languages and their design ideas into easy-to-learn “bridge” languages implemented by interpreters whose key parts are explained in the text.
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