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The BPF instruction set architecture is now RFC 9669
corbet - November 05, 2024 at 04:43PM

After a couple of years of effort, the BPF instruction set architecture hasbeen accepted as RFC9669, giving it a standard outside of the in-kernel implementation. This message from DavidVernet (who also contributed an article onthe standardization process last year) describes the process and why itis important: Though some vendors have already implemented BPF offloading capabilities without having a standardized ISA, others are not quite as risk tolerant. As Christoph [Hellwig] discussed at LSFMM 2022, certain NVMe vendors have expressed an interest in building BPF offloading capabilities for various use cases such as eXpress Resubmission Path (XRP), but they simply can't fund such a project without certain components of BPF being standardized. Hence, the effort to standardize BPF was born.

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FFmpeg 手写 AVX512 汇编代码性能提升最多 94 倍

开源多媒体编解码器项目 FFmpeg 的开发者通过手写实现优化了 AVX-512 指令集的汇编代码路径,加速 FFmpeg 多媒体处理库中的特定功能,相比标准实现,性能提升了 3-94 倍。手写汇编代码路径在视频行业是相当少见的。AVX-512 支持使用 512 位寄存器并行处理大量数据,一次操作能处理最多 16 个单精度 FLOPS 或 8 个双精度 FLOPS,它对视频和图像处理等计算密集型任务很有用。英特尔 12 到 14 代酷睿处理器禁用了 AVX-512 指令集,目前完整支持 AVX-512 的消费者 CPU 是 AMD 最近上市的 Ryzen 9000 系列处理器。
刚刚更新了 Firefox,顺便又测试了一下 Firefox 的垂直标签栏功能。垂直标签栏功能一直在 beta 测试中,之前各种小毛病不断,但目前在最新稳定版本中的垂直标签栏功能已经有基本的可用性了。但是否有隐藏的问题还需要进一步使用测试。

Firefox 版本:Firefox 132.0.1 64-bit

开启方法:前往 about:configsidebar.verticalTabs 置为 true 即可
Copilot as a C++ name mangler

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